Platform data






4.8 out of 5 stars

My vote

How does that work

Mintos is a platform on which various European credit companies make their loans available so that they can finance a larger number and allow investors to earn a profit. The site collects the loans of 50 companies operating on 35 nations in 12 currencies, so differentiating it is quite easy.

On Mintos It is possible to set up automatic investment strategies that will buy only the credits that respect the desired parameters. If you want more explanations on the subject I wrote a thorough guide on how to set up the automatic portfolios.

Mintos offers a secondary market, with the possibility to buy or sell credits directly from other users who hold them instead of the credit companies, applying a bonus or a discount on the nominal price.

Some of the loans on Mintos (but not all) provide a repurchase guarantee (or buyback). This option foresees that overdue debts from more than 60 days are repaid (principal and interest) by the credit company. The choice of the companies from which to buy the loans is therefore crucial. Below I will list my favorites, ie those that I think have the best relationship between performance and risk.

Key facts

  • You have to be able to move between the various lenders and choose the most reliable
  • Automatic parametric Portfolio? Yes and with many possibilities of setting
  • Secondary market? Yes, very popular
  • Guarantee of repurchase of expired loans? Yes but not on all loans and guaranteed by lenders
  • The platform is in profit from 2018

What I Like

  • Great differentiation possibilities (30 countries and 50 loan companies)
  • Mintos has huge numbers and is constantly growing
  • It has very inviting percentages of interest
  • There is a very active secondary market
  • You can also invest large sums because there is a big flow of loans

What I don’t like

  • Some lenders are very small or unreliable
  • The steps made in the debt recovery process are not explained
  • Interest in the last 6 months has subsided from 13% to 11%

Comparison between lenders on Mintos

Below you can see the table of those that I consider to be the most reliable lender with the relative yields expected. They have been chosen and sorted on the basis of the financial data they have published, the Mintos rating and the available financial history.

LenderTypeInterest rateDuration (months)AvaliabilityPage on mintosVote
ID FinancePersonal loans9%-11%6-3610000See the page on Mintos8.2
MogoCar loans8%-11%2-7212000See the page on Mintos8
CreditstarNot secured micro loans9%-11%2-12500See the page on Mintos7.8
BanknotePersonal loans8%-11.5%6-36200See the page on Mintos7
Placet groupPersonal loans7%-9%4-481000See the page on Mintos7
AasaPersonal loans8%-11%6-24350See the page on Mintos6.9
Iute creditPersonal loans8%-12%3-24350See the page on Mintos6.8
CrediusPersonal loans9.5%-11.5%3-24200See the page on Mintos6.7

Interface Images

Conclusions (my opinion)

Mintos is the largest peer to peer lending site in Europe and has really impressive numbers. For a long time it was my favorite platform but in recent months the average level of interest has decreased from 13% to 11%. Compared to other platforms needs a little more attention in choosing which credit companies put in their portfolio because not all are reliable.

If you want to subscribe to Mintos you can go to the registration page or follow my registration guide.


Mintos offers a bonus up to 2% on capital invested in the first 15 days from the registration date for minimum investments of 500€. The bonus will only be available subscribing from this link: Bonus Mintos

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