Mintos trend analysis for 2019

Mintos 2019 investment data analysis

The goal of this post is to summarize the trend of my 2019 Mintos investments, compare them with the average of the other investments and to share my ideas on 2020. I would be very curious to read your vision for Mintos in 2020 in the comments box.

Mintos invested amount

As you can see from the graph, the invested capital has slightly decreased: from 12K to 11K. We will see later the reason for this reduction, partially filled by interest.

Percentage of interest on Mintos

Contrary to the average interest of the other platforms, which has slightly increased in the last 12 months, the interest on Mintos has definitely decreased.

We sure have to consider the fact that, on this particular platform, I kept a very low risk profile by choosing only loans with a buyback guarantee and only from lenders that I think are reliable (I wrote a post that contains the list of lenders that I believe to be reliable).

Il mio 2020 su Mintos

Il 2020 su Mintos, per quanto mi riguarda, sarà un anno di consolidamento in cui manterrò investita la cifra che ho attualmente permettendole di crescere. Se l’interesse dovesse abbassarsi sotto il 9%, cosa che appare possibile vedendo il trend attualmente in atto, valuterò se spostare una parte del capitale su una piattaforma (come Lenndy) che garantisca una rendita più alta e che contestualmente mi permetta di differenziare meglio dal momento che su Lenndy ho una quota ancora piuttosto bassa .

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